Our Writers and Editors
Salah Falyoun
I’m Syrian from the City of Jasmine, Damascus. Currently, I’m completing my Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. I’m a teacher of both English and Arabic to non-speakers and am a journalist, translator, interpreter, software developer, and researcher. I write poems in Arabic and English on different topics, and I’m an enthusiast cook with an ever inquisitive, multicultural mind. Being a nomad traveler, I was fascinated by so many aspects of life in Japan, and I’m eager to share my insights and reflections with you through YOMOYAMA and would love to get your feedback. Connect with me on Instagram @salah_falyoun.
Megumi Kondo
I am a Japanese Australian born and raised in Sydney currently completing a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Sydney. My plans to participate in a student exchange program at Keio University at the start of 2020 was unfortunately cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, I lived in Japan for 6 months, working as a marketing intern at a liquor innovation company and a retail assistant at GAP Ginza. My hobbies include watching Korean crime dramas and reading Japanese novels!
Name: Kriti Country: India University: University of Delhi/Soka University Time spent in Japan: Originally planned to spend a year in Japan but it ended up being 6 months due to COVID-19 Studied: Japanese, Behavioural Studies, Sustainable Business Management, Microeconomics Favourite thing to do: Planning Favourite Japanese idiom: 一期一会
Kyin Lain
I am a Burmese who is currently studying business in a Japan university. I arrived Japan two years ago and during this period, I have fallen in love with Japan and its culture. My hobbies are shopping and travelling.
Hisato Tsuboi
Name: HISATO TSUBOI Country: JAPAN It happened that I had an international student as an intern at a consulting company, and I started to want to do something with the international students who are coming to Japan. At YOMOYAMA, I am involved as an editor. Favourite thing to do: Soccer,football
Editor/Founder. I am Japanese, but I want to think, discuss, solve many problems with people all over the world. We are creating new media with international students in Japan to realize it.
脚本家・舞台演出家。劇団ガレキの太鼓主催・青年団所属。 慶應義塾大学在学中より演劇活動を始め、2015年映画「私たちのハァハァ」で映画脚本デビュー。 以降、テレビドラマの脚本を中心に活動をしている。2020年の作品は「38歳バツイチ独身女がマッチングアプリをやってみた結果日記(テレビ東京)」「来世ではちゃんとします(テレビ東京)」など。 近年では、演劇を使ったWSにも力を入れており、WSを通して日本各地の人々と記憶を題材とした作品作りにも力を入れている。 WEBコラムニストとしては、AMにて連載を持ち、市井の人々のインタビューを重ねている。 私生活では家を持たず各国で移動型生活をしており、そのグローバルな生活とコラムニストとしての実績を生かして本サイト運営に参加。主に編集・アドバイザー・賑やかしとして関わる。
Do Hoang Anh
My name is Anh. I come from Vietnam. I am currently studying at Kyoto University and major in Chemical Engineering. I fell in love with the natural beauty of Japan and want to explore the off-the-beaten spots as well as Japanese unique culture. My passion is to write and spread the beauty of Japan to audiences all over the world.